Tournament Fees
Tournament fees for the 2024-2025 season.
All tournament fees are based on the number of tournaments each team is attending. It also includes the CHC state tournament.
8u Tournaments
Hyannis (Oct 12th-14th)
10u Tournaments
Waterville Valley Deep Freeze Tournament (Dec 6th- 8th)
Danbury Turkey Trott (Nov 29th- Dec1st)
CT Christmas (Dec 27th-29th)
12u Tournaments
Danbury Turkey Trott (Nov 29th- Dec 1st),
Jay Peak Vermont (Dec 12th-15th),
CT Christmas (Dec 27th-29th)
14u Tournaments
Danbury Turkey Trott (Nov 29th- Dec 1st),
Jay Peak Vermont (Dec 12th-15th),
CT Christmas (Dec 27th-29th)
2024-2025 Tournament Fees
Tournament fees for the 2024-2025 season.
All tournament fees are based on the number of tournaments each team is attending. It also includes the CHC state tournament.